How to propose a workshop/event?

 HAS SCOPS we are a small team of volunteers who take care of the organization, the maintenance of the premises, the paperwork, the communication... we will do our best to help you in the organization of your activity, but it will have to follow a few steps 😉

1. Send an email to: contact @
Prepare a short text to present your activity to us. Specify the conditions of participation: free, fixed or free price, registration or not, whether you need to bring equipment, for adults or children, one-off or weekly activity, mixed or not, etc.
Visit our planning to get a first idea of the slots potentially available. There are fixed workshops that appear every week and others that are variable.
You can also come to our monthly meeting to present your activity to us in person and meet us. The date is not fixed, ask us 🙂 

2.  Remuneration/price 

  • If your activity is free or if the money obtained is given to Scops : you choose to be a volunteer and you support the association (we have no subsidy, and rent to pay) by sharing your skills. It is still possible to ask participants to contribute to costs necessary for the activity (for supplies for example). Membership in Scops is mandatory to participate in activities (1€min/year).
  • If your activity is with profit  : if you ask for a recommended or fixed price from the participants, we will have to agree with this price, that is to say that we do not find it excessive. In return, we will set an amount for you to pay to Scops. It will be set according to the type of activity, its duration and its frequency.

3. Access and management of the place
A person from the association will come and open the door for you. Afterwards, if your activity is repeated often, we can make you a duplicate of the keys (to be decided at the meeting). In both cases, you take charge of the space and the people during your activity. You make sure that the participants feel good, that they respect others and the place.
If your activity allows it, and if a volunteer is available to open the bar and/or thrift store during your activity, it is an advantage for us. 

4. Communication
We are not professionals the com' 😄 but we do our best in several ways:

  • Our program can be found on our planning, our Facebook page and our Instagram. We stick posters in town for some big events, and have space for flyers and the posters in the room.
  •  We are preparing an newsletter with all the activities of the next month once a month. This is why we need to complete the program of the following month before the end of the current month. For example, if you want to propose an activity in March, it will be better to tell us about it before mid-February.
  • Send us a visual/drawing/photo for the com'. If your workshop is repeated, and if you feel it, the most practical for us is that you can then be more autonomous in its management. A good way to become so could be to register for our organization forum (Framavox).
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