Associations and collectives linked to Scops

PDA    + Instagram  +FB
Créer de la solidarité entre travailleur-es du sexe (TDS), sympathisant-es et associations. Lutter contre l’exclusion et le jugement portés sur le travail du sexe, la victimisation et toute forme de violence ou de contrôle des corps. Apporter du soutien aux TDS et organiser des événements pour informer le public. Personne n’a le droit de parler à la place de celleux qui sont concerné-es.  L’orga à l’asso est dans cet esprit, les TDS sont invité-es à devenir membre et acteur-es.
Free TDS zone (shoes, clothing, cosmetics, etc.), equipment (condoms, hydroalcoholic gels, etc.), documentation (flyers, brochures, etc.), lending library To the Happiness of the Garces.
Permanence at Scops: every Tuesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.: welcome TDS to help them. These are in no way doors open to the curious!

L’Infokiosque de Besac   +FB
Collective of anarchists who are committed to making known and sharing political reflections questioning domination, collective practices, social struggles and those against discrimination exercised on living beings (racism, sexism, speciesism)... It is also a shopping cart of brochures and fanzines that can be borrowed, moved or parked during events, workshops, concerts, etc. As well as times of discovery and exchange around gesticulated conferences, dramatized presentations, documentary screenings , workshops for sharing knowledge or practical knowledge, creating utopias, presentations of books / brochures.
Permanence at Scops: every Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Followed at 6 p.m. by a discussion and reflection workshop, to better understand the subjects that elude us, get back into the habit of speaking collectively and experience horizontal and egalitarian learning in a friendly and non-judgmental atmosphere. The topic changes every month, meet here to know this month’s and to follow our events!

Fragile Skateboard     +FB  + Instagram
FRAGILE c’est  des événements de planches à roulettes décalés. La célébration de la liberté,  loin de la Hype et de l’industrie qui s’est emparé du skate. 🛹 C’est aussi des planches de skate exigeantes et robustes faites par des skaters fragiles, avec tout leur amour ! Dans un atelier tout en récup vers Besançon, les planches sont sérigraphiées  pressées, découpées et fignolées à la main.
< Regardez donc la Fragile 3000 si c’est pas encore fait ! >

House of Detritus
Drag collective based in Besançon
GARBAGE DUMPER ON FIRE!!!!!! 🗑️🔥🧟🦠☣️🎭🛸💫🤡✨🦄⚠️ /
Contact: houseofdetritus25000 @ or our dms!
To Scops: workshops and shows!

Antenna L214 Besançon + contact: reseau-besancon @
Animal rights association, specializing in the food sector. At the national level: surveys, public debate, campaigns, promotion of veganism… At the local level: grassroots activism, street actions, debates, events…

Collective of non-cis people (trans and non-binary people).
At Scops : hours and events!
🏳️‍⚧️ Queer and deter activists 📧

The Time of Raised Cherries
In recent years and even more so in recent months, we are witnessing a renewed interest in contraceptive burden sharing and so-called “male” or testicular contraception. These methods challenge the evidence that menstruators in heterosexual relationships should necessarily carry the contraceptive burden alone. Largely invisible by political and medical authorities despite their effectiveness, these methods remain relatively inaccessible and unknown.
To reflect together on gender relations, on the different ways of experiencing one's sexuality, but also on the empowerment that taking control of one's fertility allows! To discuss the issues, limits and potential abuses. And for those who want to get their hands on the needle, we can start making super-stylish contraceptive underwear and accompany us on our testicular lift journeys!
To Scops: the last Thursdays of the month from 6:30 p.m. for a discussion + sewing evening and the last Saturdays of the month from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. for a sewing workshop.

Le GAF (Groupe d’Actions Féministes)

The GAF is a Feminist Action Group which fights in Besançon. We participate in local demonstrations on March 8 for the International Day of Struggle for the Rights of Women and Gender Minorities and we mobilize around November 25 for the International Day Against Gender-Based and Sexual Violence (#Me Too, #Nous Tous and #Je believe you). For the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune (1871-2021) we held an exhibition on the “Women of the Paris Commune”.

The GAF collective organizes debates, screenings, gesture conferences and also carried out a survey on street harassment in Besançon. Its analysis revealed that those questioned asked for more education and prevention.

The GAF does not benefit from subsidies and operates horizontally, without hierarchy, in a chosen non-mixed manner. Our meetings take place at SCOPS, often between noon and 2 p.m. to allow us to eat lunch and advocate at the same time. We fight against all dominations and especially against patriarchy.

Come meet us! Join us !



The Sidewalk Restaurant   + contact: sidewalk restaurant
Collectif Food Not Bombs bisontin ! Organisation de repas mensuels gratuits et végétaliens. Le dernier dimanche du mois, le plus souvent Place Marulaz. Objectifs : se réapproprier l’espace public, permettre des rencontres entre les gens, créer des liens, s’informer, dénoncer le gaspillage alimentaire en récupérant des produits « invendables », s’organiser en autogestion et de façon horizontale, promouvoir le mode alimentaire sans exploitation animale, proposer une zone de gratuité (vêtements, objets…).
All those who wish are invited to participate in the collection, in the cooking, in the meal, in offering entertainment during the meal...
His kitchen is elsewhere, come and do his dishes at Scops more or less regularly 😉

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